Perfect Accompaniments on Your Charcuterie Board

Creating a captivating and mouth-watering charcuterie board relies heavily on the selection and arrangement of your accompaniments. The perfect accompaniments can transform your cheese board from plain to spectacular. Let’s discover together the best ones and learn how to aesthetically arrange them.

Unlocking the Secrets of Charcuterie Board Accompaniments

Accompaniments on a charcuterie board act like supporting actors, they embellish the main stars (cheeses and meats) and makes the character (flavors and textures) much more complex and interesting. Thus, choosing the right sides and arranging them impact the entire experience.

Table of Contents

Choosing the Right Accompaniments

Matching accompaniments to your meats and cheeses is truly an art. The right combination can heighten your taste experience, while the wrong may dampen it. So, what factors should we consider while choosing our accompaniments?

Flavor Balance

The primary objective of accompaniments is to balance out the flavors. If the cheese or meat is heavy and rich, pick a light and acidic accompaniment. This can cut through the richness and refresh your palate. Similarly, choose sweet accompaniments for bitter or tangy cheeses and meats.

Texture Variety

Incorporating a variety of textures can add another layer of interest to your board. An array of crunchy, creamy, and soft options can keep things exciting. You include items like crispy crackers for crunch, honey for sweetness and smooth texture, or soft and tangy pickles.

Perfect Pairings: Ideal Combinations for Your Charcuterie Board

Selecting the ingredients is just the start. The true magic lies in how you combine them. Here are some trusted pairings that can lend complexity to your table.

  • Sharp Cheddar and Apples: The sweetness and slight acidity of apples complement the richness of a sharp cheddar perfectly.
  • Blue Cheese and Honey: The sweetness of honey cuts through the bitterness of blue cheese, creating a perfect flavor balance.
  • Prosciutto and Melon: It’s a classic for a reason. The sweet, juicy cantaloupe pairs beautifully with the salty, rich prosciutto.
  • Salami and Olives: Both possess a slight tang and saltiness that complement each other wonderfully.

Mastering the Art of Arranging the Charcuterie Board

Now that we are equipped with mouth-watering ingredient combinations, let’s move onto arranging our board aesthetically.


Starting with Cheese

Start by adding cheeses first. As the star of the show, they should take center stage. Cheese blocks can be neatly separated by height, size, or type.

Adding Meats

Add in the meats and spread them evenly across the board. Thinly sliced meats can be rolled or folded to add another layer of visual interest.

Filling in the Gaps

After placing your main stars, start filling gaps with crackers, fruits, and pickles. Remember, no bare spots are allowed on a charcuterie board!

Adding Final Touches

Now that your board is nearly ready, it’s time for final touches. Arrange small bowls of olives, nuts, or honey strategically to anchor the board. You can also add sprigs of fresh herbs like rosemary or mint to give a fresh, vibrant aesthetic vibe. Don’t forget to tuck in some cheese knives and spoons for serving.

With innumerable possibilities, curating your own charcuterie board can sometimes feel overwhelming. To ease your stress, here are some universally adored accompaniments that can efficiently elevate your board.

  • Fruits: Fresh fruits offer a refreshing counterpoint to rich cheeses and heavy meats. Additionally, dried fruits can add a delightful chewy texture.
  • Cured Olives: Their salty, briny flavor can cut through the richness and provide an essential break to your palate.
  • Nuts: Packed with crunch and a delicate sweetness, nuts are a traditional favorite. Walnuts, almonds or candied pecans can add a fantastic textural contrast.
  • Jams or Fruit Preserves: The sweet fruitiness of these can complement the savory flavor profile of the cheeses and meats beautifully.
  • Pickles: Their vinegar punch can refresh the palate, making you ready for the next bite.

    Avoid These Common Accompaniments Mistakes

    Now that we’ve discussed countless ideas to enhance your charcuterie board experience, it’s equally essential to be aware of some common pitfalls. Let’s ensure that your board avoids the rookie mistakes.

    Overcrowding the Board

    Avoid the temptation to fill every inch of your board. Remember, it’s important to give a little breathing space for easy picking and to prevent merging of flavors.

    Ignoring the Color Palette

    One of the joys of a charcuterie board is its visual appeal. Be sure to include a variety of color on your board for a striking visual impact.

    Forgetting Cutlery

    Though it might be easily overlooked, do not forget to add small cheese knives, forks, or even toothpicks. We wouldn’t want anyone struggling to grab their delicious bite.

    By following these tips, you are all set to create the perfect charcuterie board. Remember, while there are guides to help you, the rules are not set in stone. Feel free to experiment and discover pairings that delight your palate.

    At OneBoardGal, we are all about creating the perfect board together. So, unleash your creativity and plan your next board. Don’t forget to share your beautiful creations with us.


    Food stylist & founder of One Board Gal. Known for creative food tips and simple cheese board inspiration. I am dedicated to helping you bring a lot to the table by sharing tricks, tips, and education for your next gathering.



    My name is Abbi and I am the CEO (Cheese Eating Officer) behind One Board Gal. I am a California native who ended up in the Midwest. How might you ask? Check out that story on our About Us page by clicking the picture of me above!


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